Mess Around and Find Out

Over-the-counter Sales of Livestock Antibiotics
Mess Around and Find Out
Mess Around and Find Out

No matter what the topic, people doing stupid and/or irresponsible things seems to always make things more difficult for the rest of us.

The first thing that comes to mind regarding this for me is no longer being allowed to purchase pseudoephedrine over the counter right from the shelf. Instead, I now must wait in the pharmacy line, pull out my driver's license, and sign an agreement, just to treat my runny nose. Gee, thanks illegal drug dealers and meth producers!

That's not the only example. I'm sure you can think of quite a few examples of things that we used to do or items we used to purchase without restrictions or having to jump through hoops to do so.

Why did things change?

It's obvious: Why there is a warning label on a hairdryer not to use it while soaking in a a bathtub? Why is there a warning label on bleach not to drink it? Is there a warning label on electric fences warning folks not to pee on them? You know the answer! Because someone did not have enough sense about them not to do it!

To quote a popular comedian, "Here's your sign!"

New laws, new fears

People in the agriculture world experience this sort of thing all the time as well, and the latest victim is the so-called small farmer.

Starting on June 11, 2023, over-the-counter sales of livestock antibiotics will require a prescription, but there's nothing really new here at all.

A few years ago, water-soluble livestock antibiotics were removed completely from the shelves due to misuse-remember that phrase­ and one can only assume the same reason applies to injectables now.

When that happened, people were all up in arms like they are now-we actually saw posts with folks asking if they can put the injectable antibiotics in the livestock waterers and at what dose because they were too afraid to inject it.

Another "Here's your sign!" moment if ever there was one.

Over-sharing about over-caring
Every year I read post after post about folks wanting to raise their own livestock because they claim they want to do it antibiotic-free. Yet, those same people run to the livestock forums asking what kind of antibiotic they need to buy at TSC and what dose they need to give for an animal they heard sneeze one time.

Yet, they have no idea if the issue is viral, bacterial, or just BS.

Not unlike parents that rush their kids to the urgent care for an antibiotic for a sniffle, huh? Well, use something carelessly and irresponsibly and this is what you get. The government steps in, and ruins it for the rest of us. You know, mess around and find out.

So, what are we hearing from folks about this new development? People are complaining about the cost of vet bills, or that there are no vets within 2,000 miles of them. There always seems to be an excuse about not getting proper care for their animals.

(By the way, that's a nice $3,000.00 chicken coop you have there, and how much did you spend on chicken treats last month? LOL-just kidding!)

Opportunity to mess it up

OK, calm down a little, and let's think about what's probably going to happen if it's not happened already. Just like with pediatrics, there are now healthcare apps where for just $20 per month, you have access to countless pediatricians more than willing to give you all the antibiotics
you could ever want for your child's sniffle. Be on the lookout for the same thing operated by veterinarians.

If there's money to be made, rest assured someone will capitalize on the situation. And that will ruin it all for the rest of us.

Is it for you? Really?

And lastly, for you, "On-Line Crystal" who claims you're not going to take a $50.00 goat to the vet, how about a $3.00 chicken? Both are living creatures, regardless of initial cost, that depend on you for all their
care. Maybe animal ownership is not for you.

Until Next Time,

Power to the Poultry!

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Chicken Whisperer is part of the Catalyst Communications Network publication family.