When setting up a backyard flock, choosing the right chicken coop is one of the most important decisions a keeper can make. Contributor Christy Caplan shared some key insights in a recent Redfin article on raising chickens, highlighting essential factors for a safe and comfortable coop.
A well-designed coop should be sized based on your flock, allowing at least 3 to 4 square feet of run space per chicken. Ventilation and insulation are crucial to maintaining a healthy environment, and predator-proof locks ensure your birds stay safe overnight.
Chickens need perches to rest on at night, and the number of roosting areas should accommodate the entire flock comfortably. Attaching a secure run to the coop is the most common way to protect birds from predators while giving them room to roam.
Some chicken keepers choose to let their birds free-range outside the run. While this offers benefits like natural foraging and exercise, it also comes with risks. If you opt for free-ranging, supervision is key—especially in the evening. A good rule of thumb is to give them freedom later in the day to ensure they return to the coop when the sun goes down.
For more expert advice on raising chickens, check out the full Redfin article here: https://www.redfin.com/blog/raising-chickens-for-beginners/
Chicken Whisperer is part of the Catalyst Communications Network publication family.